Fleet managers often struggle with thinking proactively about fleet safety. When an accident occurs, most fleet managers wish they could be safer; but it’s hard to define exactly what happened before, during and after the accident. Telematics with Accident Reconstruction & Crash detection functionality can help fleet managers to determine the sequence of events and to assist in determining how and why the event must have took place. Read the top 5 blogs every fleet manager should read.
By analyzing these graphical data fleet manager shown on a fleet management system one can take actions that needs to be done to prevent these incidents in the future and help in optimizing insurance vehicle claims, managing vehicle repairs, reducing accidents, and also in protecting your company's brand reputation with risk management services. Find out more about the top 6 trends in green driving habits for your fleet.
Now let’s take a deeper dive into how you can use that data to improve the safety of your fleet.
1. More Safety: To ensure safety across all fleet drivers & their vehicles, it is crucial to monitor each driver’s behavior like how many times a particular vehicle recorded severe driving incidents (harsh acceleration, harsh braking, hard turns) or details of any crash events on the fleet software. You must have a fleet system in place that can provide and analyze objective pieces of data for managing risky behavior and collecting data helping you in preventing future accidents. When an accident occurs, crash detection alert will be sent to the fleet manager and it enables to quickly locate driver and dispatch assistance immediately in case of an emergency. It raises your visibility levels and improves vehicle crash reporting and recovery with emergency response assistance and accident assessment.
2. Minimize Financial Crisis: By reviewing and analyzing crash event data, it helps to determine to an extent as to who was responsible for the accident and this may reduce your company’s liability in legal battles. Crash event data benefits to streamline vehicle accident management process that protects your company’s fleet more efficiently and cost effectively. It also gives you input on how the driver was driving just moments before the crash.
3. Improve Driver Behavior: Once driving behavior data has been collected for each driver, the same can be used by safety managers to make that data actionable to create tailored coaching programs for drivers with a safer work culture. With driver id keys every time a vehicle starts up fleet managers get insight on who is driving it and what that driver does. He can then track seat belt usage, vehicle speed, acceleration, sudden braking, and aggressive cornering for each of their driver. Perhaps the biggest benefit to using telematics is to help improve driver’s performance and behavior, which in turn helps to prevent crash and reduces safety risks on vehicle crashes. The results are significant improvements to decrease fleet maintenance costs and your fleet accident rates. Here are 8 ways to improve driver behavior.
4. Minimize Risk Management: Reducing risk in fleet management is vital for avoiding compliance violation penalty, expensive fines, decrease crash events, and assuring the safety of your drivers and other travelers. Any practical technology that can reduce the risk of fleet management is worthwhile. Accident reconstruction feature uploads all crash relevant data automatically from telematic device to server when a crash is detected and make these data available to fleet manager within minutes of a crash. The telematics accident reconstruction feature is a very powerful tool to help you reduce fraud, estimate damages, and accurately assign liability, which is why many fleet businesses are turning to vehicle telematics, giving them access to a wealth of driver behavior data that can be used to identify high risk actions and provide regular fleet driving training, educate drivers what should do if they’re involved in an accident by taking preventive measures.
5. More Analytics for Crash Investigation: Accelerometer present in the GPS device installed in most of the fleet helps in detecting a G-Force which may bee considered as a crash. The device can be configured to record 30 seconds before and after the crash information such as speed, RPM, acceleration, brake, and cornering, trip history and etc., when a vehicle is involved in a crash event. Our fleet management system can give an accident report with time, speed, and g-force data and automatically upload to server for accident reconstruction analysis to determine what the vehicle was doing before, during and after a crash event. This data can be exported by fleet managers to see all critical events along with location and date for additional analysis and document retention. Having good information about what happened before a crash can drastically reduce the cost of accident claims for a fleet.
6. Minimize Vehicle Premium and Optimize Claim Process: Having a Telematic device allows insurance companies to track and analyze the driving behavior data like acceleration, braking & cornering in harsh manner also called as telematics insurance, how frequently, at what time they drive, where they park at night, and how many times vehicle occurred in accident, etc. It also helps to determine how fleet manager use these data to improve fleet safety. Telematics data will enable you to reduce risks and improve driver behavior by enforcing safe driving habit with minimize your fleet crash ratio, which helps to lower your vehicle premium cost. Providing evidence of crash event data to investigators on what actually happened after an accident event will streamline repair and claims process. Many insurance providers will offer lower insurance premium to fleet operators adopting this solution to decrease accident ratio and improve fleet safety.
7. Proof of FNOL: Telematics is an electronic device that captures and analyzes vehicle data related to your fleet operations like fleet management, crash detection, driver behavior, fuel management, connected sensors.. etc. Crash event data describes the movement of the vehicle along 3 axis, helps to reconstruct the accident, identify points of impact, and estimate force of impact, to know more visit our accident reconstruction page. This first notice of loss (FNOL) data is transmitted real-time to the server that provides all the relevant data needed to understand what happened and provide a visual recreation of the vehicle’s movement to fleet manager as well as Investigation. Understand more about the different ways of optimizing your fleet's life cycle.
Contact us to learn more about how accident reconstruction can help your company and optimize fleet safety measures.